Black Friday

How can a maker rebel against the worst excesses of consumerism yet still make a living from making and selling stuff? This is a dilemma I struggle with. The Western world is too full of stuff, most of it produced in far off lands with working conditions and environmental practices we outlawed years ago. Most […] The post Black Friday appeared first on Robin Wood.

Throw Conventional Wisdom Out the Window

I am almost through a book called Rethinking Sitting, which discusses different ergonomic design styles of chairs. The author, a commercial designer of chairs, has developed many different models which are quite distinct from the typical form that you or I would recognize as a chair. Of course, he feels that his chairs have distinct ergonomic advantages over typical chairs. This quote is from the book, and I think that it applies to designers of all fields. “One of the most common limitations in product development is conventional wisdom. – Peter Opsvik, from his book, Rethinking Sitting Links: More great quotes in this list of Quotables