DIY Mother’s Day Gift – Build a Unique Birdhouse

I bet my mom loves me being on YouTube because it means she gets her present early. I went ahead and did my mother’s day present a week early in case any of you out there needed an idea for a quick and easy DIY present for your own mom. My brother and I built a birdhouse hotel for our mom when we were just little kids (with the help of a family friend of course) and even though it’s hung in there for all these years it was just about falling apart so she asked if I would remake it for her this mother’s day. I was going to try and salvage the roofs at least …

How to Patina Copper

This past week I was trying to make my mom a Mother’s Day present and needed to figure out how to patina copper. It was a pretty simple process once I went through a few trial and errors so I figured I would write up a short tutorial going over my experience. First big take away I learned was that the big box stores do not have real copper. I saw copper sheets for sale in the sheet metal section and picked up five only to later discover that they are actually aluminum sheets just colored copper. So call around and see who in your area sells real copper. Things I used: Ammonia Construction Adhesive Salt Plastic Container Spar …