My Final Wood Talk

1 minute, 49 seconds Read

It’s never easy to say goodbye to something you love doing, especially when you get to do that something with your best friends!

Unfortunately there comes a time when you have to make the decision to step back for the sake of your family, your friendship, and even yourself, and that time has finally come for me.

If you haven’t heard the latest episode of Wood Talk, Episode 288 “Matt’s Exodus,” I’ve decided it’s time for me to leave the show.

Of all the difficult decisions in my life this is probably the hardest one.

In fact, it took me weeks to come to terms with it and even more time to finally share it with Marc and Shannon.

And like the amazing friends they are, they talked with me about the “how’s and why’s” of my decision and then reluctantly agreed with it.

Wood Talk has been a huge part of my identity online. Marc and I started it about a year after we started our own shows and it’s been an amazing journey to watch how far we’ve taken it.

Perhaps the highlight for me was after Shannon joined us and we all met together at Woodworking in America where so many of you from the audience came to hang with us for dinner and drinks.

I always knew we had the best audience of any podcast out there, but that night removed any doubt of it that may have lingered in the back of my mind.

This isn’t the end of my podcasting career, as Matt’s Basement Workshop will continue to go on (a little slower than previously, but continue regardless.)

Thank you everyone for supporting the show, the bittersweetness of the situation I find myself in right now is that while I’m losing the opportunity to interact with all of you on that show, I now get to sit back and enjoy what the guys will continue to create!

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