more stuff

2 minutes, 14 seconds Read
more time flies by, and again i find i’m not doing much writing on my blog here … been busy, and the work,
while interesting, is not that new or challenging that it needs to be explained too much …
so, we’ll continue with the show and tell …
here we have a small claro walnut slab dining table, about 36-38 x 72 with a walnut bench.
headed to sag harbor soon with a nice mottled green vermont slate and steel coffee table .
‘rothkoesque’ i believe would be a good description …

and we’re about to wrap up this steel and pine bar ..
a couple more coats of finish on the top and it will be good to go
‘mountains and stream’ steel work by sam
and this is how it starts …
and another one of those ‘oil finish in a sunny room’ tables from 1991 returned for a visit.
trevor removed the breadboard ends, and rescraped it with his trusty stanley 81
to see what you can do with that tool in 21 seconds, here’s a link to a youtube video.
most woodworkers have one of these tools hanging around, but few of them use them as much as we do
i don’t think it took him more than 15 minutes to get the old finish off and expose the beautiful wood below.
tah dah .. better than new … the aged cherry color is beautiful ..
this one, from 1989, from the same client, was a little more of a challenge with the black milk paint details …
we first scraped what we could, then using a piece of 1/4″ mdf to shield the long sections of the center detail
we carefully removed the finish with a chiselscraper. in case you are unfamiliar with it, a chiselscraper is
a new tool i made by putting a scraper type hook on a 1″ chisel. a valuable leap of logic.
again .. better than new .. we left the spot where the puppy chewed the breadboard end
and just a few of the deeper and more meaningful scratches.

and we’ve got a couple new claro walnut slab projects coming up. the one above is going to be
a dining table in a half round room …

about 60″ x about 65″ with a new base design that looks good on the model ..

and this one is gonna be a big coffee table about 48 x 66 ..
and, on top of all this, i have a kitchen design i’m in the middle of .. more on that later …

the fish are biting for sam
and i’m back to painting with my friend horst

all for now …
see my dorset custom furniture facebook page for a few good merle haggard videos ..
gonna miss merle too …

SOURCE: Dorset Custom Furniture – A Woodworkers Photo Journal – Read entire story here.

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