In a Public House

1 minute, 23 seconds Read


I had an hour to kill at lunchtime in Fort Edward, a small city on the eastern shore of the Hudson River, and I thought to give an Irish pub a try. Burgoyne Avenue is named for the British general who passed through in October 1777 on his way to eventual defeat at the “Turning Point” Battle of Saratoga.

The atmosphere was subdued, with Jimi Hendrix, Neil Young, and Cream music playing at a modest volume, and muted screens showing hockey. Along the bar was a trucker, who chatted with the bar owner about the six point buck he’d bagged in just twenty minutes, an old couple, he with a cap festooned with American flag buttons, and a ruddy faced middle aged attorney.

It was the lawyer who issued the salvo, first by stating he’d lived in NYC for 24 years. His pronouncements were cheerfully acknowledged and supported by the others.

– The recently elected mayor of NYC should (and will eventually) crawl back in his hole.

– The best thing that ever happened to the city was Rudolph Giuliani, who put a cop on every corner and established the NYPD’s Stop-And-Frisk policy. Any protests and- crack, crack, crack (heads being clubbed). Ha ha!

– That poor 17 year old kid in Wisconsin…

– Nobody’ safe because of the new bail reform laws, and, what’s more, six facilities in the NY prison system will close. The governor and those jackasses…

– He and the homeowners on his street in Kingsbury are well prepared. The stock pile of ammo they have, the number of rounds, was in the thousands.

The beer and sandwich were good, but left unfinished.


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