Asian and Greene and Greene Inspired Hall Table

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> Woodworking > Asian and Greene and Greene Inspired Hall Table

Asian and Greene and Greene Inspired Hall Table

I’ve been fairly active in the online woodworking community for a while but have never really produced anything I would classify as furniture. I began working on this table about 7 months ago but got sidetracked with priority shift of renovating 6 rooms in our house. A few weeks ago, I was finally able to dive back into the project and managed to finish it.

It’s clearly influenced by much of Darrel Peart’s Greene & Greene styled work as well as work by Marc Spagnuolo, Timothy Rousseau and looking at other random Asian tables builds. I do sincerely apologize to all of the above for my poor bastardized attempt to be influenced by them.

The table is crafted out of solid cherry and ebony and finished with shellac and satin Arm-R-Seal. It’s a bit orange right now, but should mellow and darken as the cherry ages over the next few years.

This was a challenging project for me as it was my first real attempt to incorporate curves into any of my woodworking. Almost every edge in this entire piece has some form of curve to it.

Most of the G&G hall / sofa tables were a bit heavier and more bulky visually than I wanted to put in our entrance way. My goal was to make a piece that had a sense of airiness to it, but I also had to ground it a bit so it didn’t look like it would topple over.  The entire leg has a slight curve to it and they flair out at the base to try and ground it visually…. at least those were my goals.

As much as I love Greene and Greene styled work, I think my next couple projects need to focus on a style that is slightly more efficient to build. 🙂

A couple people ask for my sketchup file so here is a copy for anyone. Just bear in mind that this was just a design file for myself and was never intend for general use. So there isn’t finalized joinery or anything fancy in it and there were changes to the overall design after I got into the build.

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