A woodworking hero | Design Matters

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Richard applying the last touches on a finish process with too many steps to count.

We’ve heard the unbelievable stories about how workers of yesteryear cranked out huge amounts of high quality work in an insanely short period of time. There’s no way to confirm the exploits of Paul Bunyan and his blue ox, but I can share with you the work of one amazing chair maker. I stopped by Richard Grell’s shop today to see an order of chairs and tables he’s been building all winter. Here’s a peek at the 54 chairs and nine tea tables that will ship this week.


Every part, every spindle, and chair seat fashioned by hand. Richard did call on a few trusted helpers for items like the painstaking job painting the miles of pin-striping.








IMG_0430He’s been making chairs for a living for over 40 years and still passionate about the craft. That makes him a hero in my book.

George R. Walker

About walkerg

Woodworker and writer

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