Digital plans from Brian Benham

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A question I get asked all the time is “where do you buy digital project plans?”

I have to admit I don’t normally purchase plans, since I usually draw my own, but when I needed help creating some for the Tall Dresser Project last year my good friend Brian Benham stepped up and knocked it out of the park (check them out by clicking here.)

Download woodworking plans at The Wooden Craftsman

Recently Brian opened his very own digital plan store featuring some of his projects, The Wooden Craftsman at

Arts & Crafts Table and Chair Plan

Arts & Crafts Table and Chair Plan

The plans are available as high quality downloadable PDF plans, Sketchup or also as a combo of both versions.

Project Ideas at The Wooden Craftsman

Currently Brian’s only offering a few plans, but they’re for some amazingly beautiful projects.

Check them out today, or pass along the link to someone you know is looking for some. Visit The Wooden Craftsman at

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