Goodbye My Friends

1 minute, 20 seconds Read

With the holiday season comes a certain bit of nostalgia. With my friends +Matt Vanderlist and +Tom Iovino leaving their respective podcasts, I’m feeling particularly nostalgic.

Goodbye, Tom. I’ll miss you (though, not this).

It was in this mindset that I recently went through some of my old Woodworking in America photos and found many a classic of Mr. Vanderlist, Mr. Iovino and their associated conspirators.

Here, to satisfy your seasonal need for nostalgia and to commemorate all the great times we’ve had, I present selected highlights of Matt & Tom.

Tom says: That’s Great!
Tom’s passing the torch to a man with a clamp problem.
Matt was always a blast to hang out with.
Tom’s not sure how to get rid of that Vanderlist taste.
Not even the woobie can shield a man from that smile.
A poignant photo. Back when the band was the band.
This table was made for dancing.
Tom could always find the line. Dancing on the chairs: OK. Dancing on the tables: no.
Matt and Chuck taunt us while we’re recording the podcast. An opportunity too good to pass up.
The whole Wood Talk crew joins in.
No good taunt goes unpunished.
Good friends, getting ready to say goodnight.

A lobby full of podcasters.

Tom and his “friend”, Ron Hock.

Good luck my friends. We’ll miss you.

Ride on, Tom. Ride on.

Don’t forget about the +Modern Woodworkers Association Podcast. We talk woodworking with Guests from around the world of woodworking every other week. Subscribe to the RSS feed or iTunes today.

SOURCE: The Penultimate Woodshop – Read entire story here.

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