The Big Week Ahead

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P1190012Let me start out by saying I am so sorry to those who can’t come to the open house starting this Saturday but know this, YOU are all in my heart and every demonstration and lecture I am involved with this coming week will include you in my mind. Everyone here has been getting ready for the upcoming ArtWeeks that involves each one of them.P1190010

Hard to imagine but four months have passed since my leaving North Wales and moving to Oxfordshire. It still feels a little transitional but I have made some fine friends who are truly gifted artisans.

Neil Scott is a creative designer with unique concepts using everything from chrome on steel and casting resins and woods he would risk his life for. He’s highly proactive as an independent designer in his own right and a neat guy to be around; you cannot do anything but love his work.P1190019 P1180989

Mary’s upholstery work is just beautiful and as a skilled seamstress much of her work exemplifies the hidden detail and craftsmanship she keeps alive through an impeccable quest she has to know her craft from the inside out.P1180942

And then there’s Chris Boreham, a young designer who takes on just about anything that helps everyone achieve their goals. He and Rodas Irving are both independent craftsmen who often share their different space to bring a project together. P1180969Rodas is a highly productive maker producing all types of outdoor furniture  from oak. P1180946

There are others too, special people, crafting artisans, and I hope to cover that in later blog next week.P1180966

On Saturday we have the literary evening and yours truly will be last man on to talk about his book and why he wrote it. I wish that you could all be here with me but I know you will understand that this is an important part of the vision we have for the future of woodworking, so please be with me in spirit.P1190016

Those of you that can make it to see us during our open house  we would love to see you. Of course it’s more than just Art Weeks and the Literary evening and the Wood Centre. It’s about living your work and living your craft. I will have more on this soon.P1180970

The post The Big Week Ahead appeared first on Paul Sellers' Blog.

SOURCE: Paul Sellers’ Blog – Read entire story here.

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