jim harrison …. gonna miss him

1 minute, 40 seconds Read
so, jim harrison has left the building … however, you can be assured he gave his whole time here his absolute best shot … outdoorsman, cook, poet, thinker, writer, storyteller, he did it all. and admirably and in his own totally robust style. i think my first introduction to his work was ‘dalva’, a fine saga i have read and reread numerous times. he drew fine characters, like brown dog, and led you through their interesting, yet somehow almost believable lives …
one would do well to read the two things the times has published yesterday and today …
the photo above is from the obituary they published yesterday ..
the excerpt below is from a blog post on books that i was reading back in 2010 …
there is a category over there to the right called ‘what i’m reading’.
if you are a reader, there are probably a few books there for you, regardless of your interests.

“And, finally, a revisit to a favorite author, Jim Harrison, who we have been reading for at least 20 years now. This guy can get you thinking with every, and I mean every, sentence. I borrowed it from a friend but I’m going to get my own copy. Some sections are so beautifully written and thought provoking they just take your breath away …. You find yourself opening to earlier sections to reread the best parts before opening to where you left off. A historic saga of family life and nature on the American Plains … Try Dalva too …

2/20 … update …. having been so taken with The Road Home, I visited the library and in the last week and read two more of Mr. Harrison’s books. The Summer he Didn’t Die, and yesterday, in the throes of a headache and general malaise, The English Major in about a 20 hour period … Both lived up to my expectations and if you like his style, you’ll probably enjoy these too ….”
SOURCE: Dorset Custom Furniture – A Woodworkers Photo Journal – Read entire story here.

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